3 Ways Commercial Property Maintenance Can Help Prep for Hurricane Season

Although it is only the beginning of September, we’ve already seen our share of weather forecasters pointing out swirling tropical storms forming off the east coast with ominous portent.  This month, in fact, Hurricane Hermine became the first hurricane to make landfall in Florida since Hurricane Wilma in 2005.

Hurricane season officially kicked off on June 1 this year, and will end on Nov 30. Preparing for these potentially devastating events is not relegated to these select months, however, but should be a year round process – especially if you are a commercial property owner or manager.

If you are responsible for the safety and well-being of tenants and their customers or clientele, it is essential that you have a written plan in place long before a hurricane happens. This plan should be distributed and reviewed with all employees, ensuring that everyone understands their individual responsibilities in the event of a storm. A thorough plan should outline all facets of preparation, from evacuation procedures to backing up computer files.

Property owners and managers should also routinely review their insurance policies to make certain their level of coverage, and their tenants’, is sufficient to weather any storm.

When you have made certain that your staff and tenants are knowledgeable and secure, it is time to turn your attention to the protection of property. Water and flood damage comprises the bulk of hurricane-related costs. A quality commercial property maintenance company can help you minimize exposure to these threats, mitigate their effects, and help your business get back up and running as soon as possible.

Here are just three ways they can help:

  • Clean drains, gutters, and downspouts to facilitate water flow. Clogged gutters can cause backflow and result in water damage. A commercial property maintenance professional can examine these problem areas, and make all necessary adjustments, while also checking sealants to rule out any possibility of leaks.
  • Waterproofing. As a commercial property owner, you should take all necessary precautions to protect against potential flooding, by waterproofing the most susceptible areas of your business, such as the basement. Elevating critical utilities (e.g., electrical panels and heating systems) is of the utmost importance when a heavy storm is forecast. A commercial property maintenance professional will be able to pinpoint areas and equipment that are at particularly high risk for water damage.
  • Securing outdoor items. Major hurricanes have generated winds as high as 157 mph, causing catastrophic damage. Even milder events have clocked in at 75-95 mph. These speeds can turn – and have turned – any freestanding objects, from display racks to trash cans to street signs, into deadly projectiles.  A commercial property maintenance crew can survey your business and ensure that all exterior materials are securely fastened, tethered, and bolted down to prevent any unnecessary damage.

ProPave, Inc. offers more than just asphalt and concrete paving. Our skilled crew can provide scheduled maintenance, restoration, and emergency repairs for your commercial property, and we can help you keep your head above water in the face of a torrential downpour. Call us today at (703) 433-9500.

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