7-Step Paver Installation Guide: How To Install Concrete Pavers like A Pro

It’s time to replace that old, cracked driveway. But what are your options? Concrete pavers are a popular choice for several reasons: they look great, are durable, and relatively affordable.

But before you jump in and start pouring, there are a few things you need to know. In this Brothers Paving & Concrete blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to installing concrete pavers – from preparing the surface to finishing the job. So read on!

1. Planning and Layout:

The first step in any paving project is planning. You need to figure out the size and shape of your driveway and the location of any obstacles. Once you have a strategy, you can begin laying out the pavement.

2. Calculating the Quantity of Pavers Needed:

Next, calculate how many pavers you will need. It is done by measuring the square footage of your driveway and then multiplying that number by the desired thickness of the pavers. Add an extra 20% to your total to account for breakage.

3. Excavation:

The next step is to excavate your driveway with a shovel or a power tool like a jackhammer. Remove any dirt or debris from the location. If you are using a power tool, be careful not to damage the underlying slab or electrical wiring.

4. Base Material:

The base material consists of crushed rock. Lay it to a thickness suitable for the planned use, which depends on the sub-base material and the weight placed upon the paved area.

5. Edge Restraints:

Edging is essential in the maintenance of your paved area. If edge restraints are not installed, your pavers will move and separate. Harsh weather, high traffic usage, and no edge restraints will ruin your paved surface. Edge restraints can be plastic, pre-cast concrete, metal, or wood.

6. Sand Bedding and Laying Pavers:

Before laying the pavers, a layer of bedding sand is spread over the compacted base material. The sand bedding also helps to prevent erosion of the sand joints. Now start laying the pavers. Ensure that all pavers are tightly fitted together with no gaps between them. Continue laying pavers until you have covered the entire area.

7. Sand Joints and Sealing:

Once the pavers are in place, fill the joints between them with a layer of sand. After sweeping the sand into the joints, strike it down with a rubber mallet and apply a coat of sealant to the pavers. It will protect them from weathering and staining.

Additional tips:

Expansion Joints and Cuts:

If your project includes a driveway, it is important to have expansion joints. These are cuts made in the concrete at regular intervals (usually every 20-30 feet) to allow the concrete to expand and compress without cracking. Make sure that the width of the expansion joint is at least twice the width of the joint in the concrete.

Control Joints:

If your project includes steps or other vertical surfaces, it is essential to include control joints. These are cuts made in the concrete at regular intervals (usually every 16-24 inches). The joint control depth should be at least ¼ of the thickness of the concrete (minimum).


Follow these seven steps if you’re looking to install concrete pavers in Manassas, VA. You can minimize headaches and ensure a successful installation by following them closely.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Brothers Paving & Concrete for a free estimate. We’d be more than happy to assist!

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