3 Things to Look For Before Signing Your Snow Removal Contract


Picture this—the morning after a huge snowstorm, your customers pull into your parking lot to find that your property maintenance service has already wiped the place clean.

Sound like a dream come true?

The only catch is that you need a reliable property maintenance service to provide it. So ask these three questions before signing your snow removal contract.

(1) Is your contract all-inclusive?

A snow removal contract should never discuss the service in vague terms. Instead, your contract should go into extensive detail, listing every service the property maintenance company will provide when a snowstorm occurs.

Are walkways and steps included, or just parking lots?

Will they provide salt and sand when needed, or do you have to supply it?

Can they clear during the snowfall, or only after a storm has come and gone?

These are all important questions to ask before signing a snow removal contract, especially before you are bombarded with a few feet of snow.

(2) Are there additional charges and price variations?

The first three inches of snow are included in the price, but every additional inch is going to cost you extra.

This statement  appears in many snow removal contracts. Remember that more snow means more time and effort for a property maintenance service, so they could charge you accordingly. Make sure you know of any additional charges or price variations up front to avoid surprises this winter.

(3) Will you get high-quality work?

A quality snow removal service will not inconveniently pile up snow in empty parking spaces or leave unsightly tire tracks on your business’s front lawn.

Before you sign a contract, do some research. Check local reviews on Yelp and Angie’s List, ask for recommendations from friends and peers, and search the Internet to view a company’s portfolio.

Also, simply asking the property maintenance company how many clients they have or what their removal process is could give you a better idea into the quality of their work.

The first snowfall is right around the corner, and you don’t want to be unprepared for the upcoming winter wonderland. For more information about snow removal and other property maintenance services, call Pro-Pave, Inc. today at (703) 433-9500.

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